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In compliance with the provisions of Article 10 of Law 34/2002 of 11 July 2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (hereinafter "LSSI"), we hereby inform you that this website is operated by the company PROES CONSULTORES, S. A. (hereinafter "PROES"), an entity with Tax Identification Code A-28261196 and registered in the Mercantile Register of Madrid, Volume 7020, Folio 187, Page M-114164 and located at Pozuelo de Alarcón, Calle Virgilio 2, 28223, Madrid.

Through the website, Users can access information on the different business areas, services and products marketed by PROES, as well as events and news of the organisation (hereinafter, the "Content").

1. Users and Informative Data

The User voluntarily accesses this Website, which implies that he/she will use it in accordance with this legal notice, the law, morality, good faith and/or good customs.
Access and / or use of the Website confers the condition of User, accepting, from that moment, fully and unreservedly, these general conditions.
Users can contact PROES via the following e-mail address: protecciondedatos@grupoamper.com.

Use of the Website, its services and content

The User agrees to use the Website and the Content in accordance with the law and this Legal Notice (and subsequent amendments thereto) as well as with generally accepted Internet customs and public order.

PROES may establish limitations and/or additional conditions for the use and/or access to the Website and/or the Content, which must be observed by Users in any case. Likewise, the User undertakes to refrain from:

Likewise, the User undertakes to refrain from:

  • Use the Content for illegal purposes, prohibited, harmful to the rights and interests of others, or in any way damage, disable, overburden, impair or impede the normal use of the Website, computer equipment or documents, files and all kinds of content stored on any computer equipment owned by PROES or third parties.
  • Reproduce, copy, distribute, make available or in any other way communicate (including by electronic mail), transform, or modify the Contents, unless expressly authorised by the owner of the corresponding rights or it is legally permitted.
  • Infringe the rights of PROES or the legitimate owners of the Content.
  • Use the Content for commercial or advertising purposes other than those expressly permitted.

Intellectual and industrial property

All information contained on the Website, including any type of content, text, images, graphic design or language code is exclusively property of PROES.

Such intellectual and industrial property is protected by national and international legislation on intellectual and industrial property. The User must respect at all times all intellectual and industrial property rights on the Website, owned by PROES or third parties.
This Legal Notice does not transfer any intellectual or industrial property rights over the Website or the Content, trademarks, trade names and / or distinctive signs that appear on the Website, being expressly prohibited to the User the reproduction, processing, distribution, public communication, making available, extraction, reuse, reposting or use of any nature, by any means or process, of any of them, except where legally permitted or authorized by the owner of the corresponding rights.

Unauthorised use of the Contents, trademarks, trade names and/or distinctive signs contained on the Website may involve the violation of intellectual or industrial property legislation and other applicable laws. Any infringement of these rights may give rise to the corresponding extrajudicial, judicial civil or criminal proceedings.

For the purposes of preserving possible intellectual and industrial property rights, in the event that any User or third party considers that there has been a violation of such rights, he/she must notify PROES in writing at its headquarters at c/Virgilio 2, building 4, 28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid) or by sending an email to the following address protecciondedatos@grupoamper.com. protecciondedatos@grupoamper.com

4. Website modification

PROES may update and/or modify these General Terms and Conditions at its sole discretion, in order to comply with current or future legislation.

The User agrees that any modifications or changes made shall be binding and shall take effect from the date of publication of the amended Terms and Conditions. The User accepts that his or her continued use of the Website after the date of entry into force of the General Terms and Conditions shall indicate his or her agreement to such modifications.

PROES reserves the right to modify at any time the presentation, configuration, and location of the Website, as well as the Contents and the conditions required to use them.

You agree to always review the most recent version of the General Conditions available on the Website www.grupoamper.com. www.grupoamper.com.

Guarantee and Liability Disclaimer

PROES does not provide any guarantee and is not responsible, in any case, for damages of any kind that may arise from access to or use of the Content or the Website.

Among others, and without being limited to these, PROES is not responsible for the following circumstances:

  • The lack of availability, maintenance and effective functioning of the Website and/or the Contents, excluding to the maximum extent permitted by current legislation, any liability for damages of any kind that may be due to the lack of availability or continuity of the functioning of the Website and the Contents provided therein.
  • Lack of utility of the Website or the Contents for any activity.
  • Of the content, products, and services of other Internet pages to which the links placed on the Website may lead directly or indirectly.
  • The existence of viruses, malicious or harmful programmes in the Contents.
  • The reception, obtaining, storage, dissemination or transmission, by the Users, of the Contents.
  • The illicit, negligent, fraudulent use, contrary to the General Conditions of this Legal Notice, to good faith, to generally accepted uses or to public order, of the Website or its Contents, on the part of the users.

PROES shall not be liable for indirect damages, related to or arising from these General Terms and Conditions (including for loss of profits, loss of use, loss of data or other economic benefits) regardless of the cause.

6. Data protection and cookies policy

You can find out more about how we use your personal data and cookies in the Privacy and Cookie Policy on our website Privacy Policy among Política de Cookies de nuestra web.

7. Links

Aquellos Usuarios que deseen establecer un hipervínculo, enlace o link entre su sitio Web y el Sitio Web (el «Link») deberán obtener la autorización previa de PROES, presentando una solicitud a la siguiente dirección de correo electrónico protecciondedatos@grupoamper.com, quedando sujeto al cumplimiento de las siguientes obligaciones:

  • The Link will only allow access to the Website, but may not reproduce it in any form. The copying, use, distribution, marketing or reproduction of all or part, or any of the Contents of the PROES Website is not permitted.
  • Hyperlinks are only permitted to the Website's homepage and no deep-links may be established with the Web pages of the Website or its services, nor may a browser or border environment (framing) be created on them.
  • The Web page, on which the hyperlink to the Website is established, shall not contain any trademark, trade name, establishment sign, name, logo, slogan or other distinctive signs belonging to PROES, except those signs that are part of the hyperlink itself.
  • Under no circumstances will PROES be responsible for the content or services made available to the public on the website from which the hyperlink is made or for the information and statements included therein.
  • No false, inaccurate or incorrect statements or indications shall be made about PROES, its shareholders, directors, customers, suppliers, partners and employees, the Website or the Content.
  • It shall not be stated or implied that PROES has authorized the hyperlink or that it has supervised or assumed in any way the services offered or made available on the website where the hyperlink is established.
  • The establishment of the hyperlink does not imply in any case the existence of commercial relations between PROES and the owner of the website in which it is established, nor the acceptance and approval by PROES of its contents or services.
  • The webpage on which the hyperlink is established shall not contain information or content that is illicit, contrary to morality and generally accepted good customs on the Internet and public order, nor shall it contain content contrary to any third-party rights.

8. Duration

The duration of the services provided by the Web Site is indefinite
PROES reserves the right, regardless of the above, to interrupt, suspend or terminate the provision of this service or any others included on the site.

9. Partial Nullity

The declaration of any of the clauses of these General Conditions as null, invalid or ineffective shall not affect the validity or effectiveness of the remaining clauses, which shall continue to be binding between the parties. The resignation by any of the parties to demand at any given time the fulfilment of any of the General Conditions stipulated herein shall not imply a general waiver of the fulfilment of any other condition or conditions, nor shall it create an acquired right for the other party.

10. Actions in case of non-compliance

PROES reserves the right to take any action available at law to demand the responsibilities arising from the infringement of any of the provisions of these General Conditions of use of the Website by a User.

11. Jurisdiction and applicable laws

This Legal Notice is governed by Spanish law. PROES and the Users, expressly disclaiming their own jurisdiction, submit to the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid for the resolution of any disputes that may arise from the use of the Website and its Contents.