113.500 m3/day
desalination capacity
The Salalah desalination plant is planned as a new desalination plant to be built in 2018, located in the south of Oman, in the Salalah area. For the execution of the project (Temporary Business Consortium UTEC Abengoa-Fisia Italimpianti), Proes carried out the basic and detailed engineering of the marine works, as well as the maritime climate and coastal dynamics studies.
The seawater intake system consists of two HDPE pipes with an internal diameter of 1400 mm connected to two square reinforced concrete towers measuring 5 m x 5 m on the exterior and weighing over 260 tons, located at a depth of 13 m. The brine discharge into the sea is carried out at a depth of 15.5 m through two HDPE pipes with an internal diameter of 800 mm, which terminate in a diffuser section with 8 raisers.
Location Salalah, Oman
Date: 2018
Scope of the project: basic and detailed engineering, maritime climate studies