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Cruise ship pier variant project, phase 1A, port of Arrecife, Lanzarote

13.037.000 €


315 m

lenght of new berthing front

The port of Arrecife has increased its cruise traffic significantly in recent years, making it necessary to plan the expansion of the port, treating this as a global project to respond to the growing needs for quays and berthing lines.

Una vez finalizado el muelle de cruceros del puerto de Arrecife, se dispondrá de una nueva línea de atraque de unos 315 m, con 10 m de calado. Las obras, consideradas “emblemáticas” para la capital de la isla, están financiadas con fondos FEDER de la Unión Europea.

Location port of Arrecife, Lanzarote

Date: 2009

Scope of the project: variant project consisting of the modification and calculation of the caissons of the cruise pier.

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