350.000.000 US$
up-front investment
In a first phase, as part of the basic project, the basic studies are drawn up to form the basis for the subsequent development of specific documents related to the safety, engineering and navigation of the regasification terminal.
In the next phase, the basic engineering of the berthing front, for LNG carriers with a capacity of 70,000 m³ to 200,000 m³, and a review of the intake and discharge facilities, will be carried out. vertido de agua de mar.
Location Port of Lázaro Cárdenas, Michoacán, Mexico
Date: 2003-2005
Scope of the project: definition, at basic engineering level, of the different constituent elements that make up the LNG regasification plant as a whole, review of the seawater intake and discharge facilities, analysis of EPC bids, etcetera.